Every family home schools for varied and different reasons. The following articles outline some of those reasons and give a glimpse into lives of home schooling families.
Back to (Home) School – A Growing Trend By Mark Earley | August 5, 2009 As children head back to class this fall, more and more of them are staying right at home. Recent years have seen a dramatic growth in the number of homeschooled kids. More than 1.5 million Americans now choose to educate their children at home.
New Nationwide Study Confirms Homeschool Academic Achievement By Ian Slatter | August 10, 2009 Drawing from 15 independent testing services, the Progress Report 2009: Homeschool Academic Achievement and Demographics included 11,739 homeschooled students from all 50 states who took three well-known tests-California Achievement Test, Iowa Tests of Basic Knowledge and Stanford Achievement Test for the 2007-2008 academic year. The Progress Report is the comprehensive homeschool academic study ever completed.